Writing from the beginning of the school year has changed in so many ways. Not only was I scoring a B- on my district assessment but I was getting the hang of eighth grade. IT was a big step up from seventh grade, where essays were something required and happened every week. Sitting in Mrs. Mundt's classroom, a large laptop in front of me; waiting for that inspiration to come. Sometimes it never did come. I would sit there, staring at the large electronic device and think to myself ' When am I going to get inspired?' Then eighth grade came and my possibilities seemed to roam and spread, free at last. Over the process of the year I have attempted to write 3 possible short stories. 2 of which died in the process. I am currently, and will be working on a story all summer. It will definitely take up a lot of my time. But now back to my eighth grade experiences.
Mrs. Reagles. A name that will always stand out in my memory book. She was a different language art teacher. She didn't tell me everything was good when it wasn't, or made me write something I was uncomfortable writing. Heck no. Mrs. Reagles actually inspired me. But this was just one of the things that I love about 8th grade.
Back to writing. Looking back at my first conference when I first scored and 88. I was proud of my writing and what I had accomplished in this short amount of time. Yet, my craving kept me hungry. I had written an essay, a short story ( which has died) and a creative piece. Overall though, not only did eighth grade inspire me, but it has also made me think about my future and how writing can change your life.
That was very good. I like how you refered your self back to seventh grade and showed how the changes were made coming into 8th grade!! Good Job!!! :D